
Introducing Pre-RFP Marketing for the Meetings & Events Industry.

Target and pitch your destination and property to meeting planners BEFORE they send the RFP.
The Request Leap targeting engine combines data from your past RFPs and actualized events to allow you to simply and easily market your hotel or destination to meeting planners, BEFORE their next RFP is released. Our data tracks patterns in recurring events and predicts RFP release dates before they happen. In addition, our AI algorithms match your amenities, size, rates and more with prior actualized events by the planner, allowing you to target meetings you are more likely to win -with cusotimized messages that resonate.

The Request Leap sales enablement platform provides powerful outreach tools for your property or destination.  Easily create multi-step email, SMS, social messaging and more cadences targeted to specific planners.  Access template libraries to quickly build custom personalized  content for your campaigns.  Research best practices on cadence techniques being used in other industries for years.

Get away from RFP Spam.  Get in front of planners before they click send on their next RFP!

Target and pitch your destination and property to meeting planners BEFORE they send out the RFP.

Fire & Forget

Request Leap can be set up to run in the background, ingesting RFP data as you receive it.  Generating cadences that automatically market your destination and spaces prior to the planners next event.  Just turn it on and tune the dials.
Target and pitch your destination and property to meeting planners BEFORE they send out the RFP.

Engage & Nurture

Hotel and destination sales should be about creating human relationships. Relationships that endure and are built on trust. Request Leap can help you set up the calls planners want to have. Ones that show your sophistication in matching their needs with your destination or property's spaces, amenities, past events and more. Meetings that lead to deeper, ongoing relationships with planners.

Sign up for our pilot program today and get in front of planners before they 
click send on their Next RFP.

Please activate your license to enable all features and receive new updates.

Copyright 2022 REQUEST LEAP.